
Mountain Friends Camp is committed to providing an affordable camp experience for a diverse community of young people, and to providing campership financial assistance to make camp possible for lower income families. Every year between 30-50% of our campers receive financial assistance. We solicit donations from individuals, foundations, and Quaker Meetings to keep our camper fees low and to offer partial need-based camperships. Additionally, we can set up a payment plan to spread payments out between now and the beginning of camp; parents and other adults may also complete a one-week work trade at camp in exchange for camper fee discounts. For more information, contact camp director Ana Ebi.

Families requesting a campership should submit registration materials for camp, pay the $50 deposit online to secure a space at camp, and indicate in the registration that you are applying for a campership. Consider your specific financial situation: If you “stretch”, how much can your family afford to pay for camp this year? To spread our limited financial aid fund as far as possible, we ask that every family first go to their local or regional Quaker meeting or any other funding source to request financial assistance. Many meetings are happy to help a child attend Quaker summer camp and might be more likely to give to a specific family than to our general campership fund. After receiving an answer from the monthly meeting or other source, please fill out this Campership Application and upload it by logging into your camp application here:

Priority Deadline is March 31, and we will continue to accept applications and do our best to help until all spots are full. We hope to once again have enough funding to cover all needed camperships. Thank you for your interest in Mountain Friends Camp!