
2014 Gallary

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As Mountain Friends Camp grows, we need more voices to join the conversation about the future of camp. The MFC committee, holds monthly conference calls and a few live meetings.  We need more member so contact the committee clerks to get involved!
Mountain Friends Camp Committee:


Approved as an interim committee of Intermountain Yearly Meeting at Continuing Committee, January 14, 2012

Purpose:To develop and conduct a camp for Quaker youth, especially those from Intermountain Yearly Meeting,as well as welcome any drawn to a community based on Quaker values, encouraging spiritual and personal growth and a sense of community in our young people.

Organization:The Committee is open to any interested Friends with the desire to see the camp grow and become self sustaining. Members from each region in the Yearly Meeting are desired including youth and adults. The clerk will be chosen from the membership of the Committee by the committee members. Committee members will serve three year terms and may serve up to two consecutive terms. The clerk will serve for three years from the time of appointment. The Committee may choose to contract with a camp director or other staf as needed to do the work of the Committee. The presiding clerk of the Yearly Meeting will serve as an ex officio member. Individuals with special expertise may be co-opted to serve on the Committee.

Structure:The majority of the work of the Committee will be done by conference call. These calls will occur monthly at a time set by the Committee. There will be one or more face to face meetings per year as necessary. Camp staff and campers will be welcome to join the committee, and committee members will be welcome to attend camp.

Skills sought:Friends with experience in Quaker process and organization, youth camps, youth development, outdoor skills, fund raising, organizing nonprofits, outdoor cooking and nutrition, various activities relevant to outdoor living, wilderness medicine, and other relevant areas are particularly sought.

Responsibilities:During the first term of service, 2011-2014, the primary focus of the Committee will be on developing the business plan for the camp and conducting camp sessions each summer. Specific tasks will include but not be limited to the following:

  • Develop vision and mission statements.
  • Revise the initial 5 year plan in light of the experience in the first two years of camp. Develop a second 5 year plan (2014-2019).
  • Consider applying for formal affiliation with IMYM, corporate status, 501©3 designation.
  • Plan for years 3 and 4 of camp (Site selection, acquiring equipment, creating a staffing plan, etc.)
  • Develop a budget for years 3, 4, and 5 and conduct fund raising efforts.
  • Publicity (website development and maintenance, facebook, newsletter, brochures, outreach toMonthly and Regional Meetings as well as JYF/SYF/YAF groups, etc.).
  • Develop job descriptions, hire and oversee staff for camp sessions.
  • Support camp staff and conduct evaluations of camp experience.

Other:In addition to membership on the Committee, liaisons from each Monthly Meeting are also being recruited. These individals would serve to connect the Mountain Friends Camp Committee with their Monthly Meetings and the youth of the Meeting. No attendance at meetings of the Committee would be required but liaisons would be welcome to join any or all conference calls.